Tuesday 6 May 2014

Dreadlocks Of The Month - April!

Here is a roundup of the Lazydreads facebook page's "Dreadlocks of the Day!" from March 2014. The Dreadlocks of the Day pictures are compiled of email submissions sent to the Lazydreads facebook page. 

To submit to Dreadlocks of the day/Dreadlocks of the month email your pictures to:

In order of appearance!
1) Les Betz
2) Ad Jackson
3) Beth Speakman
4) Casper Vilhelm Mischorr Larsen
5) Amanda Stewart
6) Heather Blakeman - Instagram: Heatherbee203
7) Renato Ribeiro - Skulptura93
8) Sophie Healy
9) April - Instagram: vexierougestar
10) Johannes Sahlsten - Instagram: joh_sah
11) Keys Love - Instagram: brokentaboo_
12) Shannon
13) Jerome Lopez - Instagram: jeromeolo
14) Eric
15) Cassidy
16) Samantha
17) Darren - instagram: darrenmarktr
18) Jill - instagram: jilly_Willy96 
19) Rebecca de la cruz - Rebecca de la cruz
20) Shaania
21) Ryan - Instagram and Youtube: RyanGrime
22) John
23) Martine - instagram @baremartinee
24) Miriam
25) Abbygail
26) Jonas Daniel Jørgensen
27) Heather - Instagram: littledreadridinglocks
28) Rowan - Instagram: dachs
29) Danni
30) Amy

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