Friday 25 July 2014

Loose After First Wash? (Dreadlocks Q&A #48)

Episode #48 of my long running dreadlocks question & answer series where I answer YOUR questions!

Question: I'm having difficulty deciding if I want to commit to a full head of dreads or partial. If I do just go with partial dreads how should I go about setting them, since my normal hair will cover the roots? 

krystle dinning
QUESTION....what do I do if I have dandruff with dreads? Is there a special dread shampoo I can use?

Courtney Jenkins
Question: I'm waiting to start dreading my hair when it's a bit longer. In the 'messy early stage' of the process, can u just wear a hat or will it effect the maturing process some how? 

Sydney Rianna
QUESTION: If you have loose ends that have not locked up, is it better to encourage them to lock up or to just leave them be?

Mulle meckbb
QUESTION: I've got dreads that are about a week old and after I showered they seem to be a lot softer and that's nice but they are also a lot looser. Some roots that were thight before are now 2 cm of loose hair before the dread begins. I also got a lot More loose hair and I don't think it's a problem but maybe it will be if it continues after every shower. 
I just the "no poo method" (baking soda, ACV)

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