Sunday 18 May 2014

How To Remove Dreadlocks

I demonstrate how to remove dreadlocks... without cutting your hair.

One of the most common pre-dreadlock questions is - how do you remove them?  It's very strongly believed that to remove dreadlocks - you need to shave your head. Now while generally I will refer to dreadlocks as being pretty permanent fixtures... they can actually be removed without losing the hair. Just like most other things dreadlock-related, it's very time intensive, it takes a long time to remove dreadlocks... however... not as long as it takes to grow the hair back out!

1 comment:

  1. So, I watched this today...
    Wow! Wish I would have seen this sooner! (actually, I found it on DT. don't know how I missed it!) Great video though! Thanks for sacrificing a dread! ;) I can attest that crocheted dreads are NOT fun to remove, however, maybe if I had used the hot water, the conditioner would have worked better, the whole process would have been better. Thankfully, I only had to do this for a few dreads and short dreads or only parts of the dreads, but it took forever!
    Oh! And I still want to invest in a steel tapestry needle, but I actually used a small crochet hook. Maybe this was also bad in ripping out hairs, but I DID try to use the back end so the hook wouldn't snag too much. Em...actually, I got THIS tip from another YouTuber, you probably know her! So, maybe it wasn't so bad...just hot water was the main missing ingredient here. :)
