Friday 3 January 2014

Dreadlocks - Question and Answer #25

Music - Kristin Burdal -


skier rjc
Question: I am would like to get dreadlocks but spend a lot of time in a helmet as I play a lot of sports. Would the helmet hurt the dreadlocks? Specifically the new young dreads?

Question: Do you have any split ends? Like, if you look closely at your dreads, can you see the white tips on each strand of hair?

Pollo Claxton
Question : I've been considering getting dreads but I play a lot of sports. A slow week is about three times a week. So I was just wondering how I would cope with having to dry it after every game. Thanks.

Dalton Burrow
QUESTION: my dreads are 1 1/2 years old and I have been shaping my dreads ends with a crochet needle to be blunted over and over, i have curly hair and it curls up after every wash and I have to reshape them with my needle, will my ends ever lock up?

Kassandra Jo Davila
well I'm looking for a job, and I'm planning on getting my dreads back hopefully soon. is there a way that i can help my future employer see that the stereotype toward dreads is wrong?

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